
Bulevar umetnosti 27, 11000 Beograd

+381 11 31 30 542


Proanalytica - podnaslov

Fumex - exstraction arms

Extraction arm

The extraction arm from the Proanalytica product range is an indispensable piece of equipment, as a support for analytical devices. During operation, devices such as microwave ovens, AAS or ICP, emit harmful substances or heat, and it is necessary to remove it from the work area.

Therefore, the extraction arms are connected directly to the device or mounted above, in order to collect harmful vapors without interfering with the operation of the device and conduct it to the outside environment.

For these purposes, an extraction arm is used, which is usually mounted on the wall. It is made so that it can be adjusted in 3 axes and fixed so that it does not move. The vapors are extracted by an axial fan and expelled to the outside enviroment via aluminum pipes.

Another function of the extraction arm is the evacuation of harmful fumes generated by small source. The most common application is when working with students who study chemical reactions in small vessels, without releasing a large amount of vapors, so much so that the digester would have to be occupied. That is why extraction arm is used. It has a long range, it covers a larger area of ​​work tables. The manufacturer FUMEX has several models in its program, different sizes and diameters of pipes, and with the possibility of ceiling, wall or table mounting, each user can find a solution according to their needs in terms of extraction arm size and required flow.

Aluminum anodized pipes and polypropylene joints are adapted to work with harmful substances.

For more information, contact our sales department.




Bulevar umetnosti 27, 11000 Beograd

+381 11 31 30 542

Management systems

Environmental Management System – ISO 14001:2015Health and Safety Management System - ISO 45001:2018Quality management system – ISO 9001:2015

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